# on receiving block 884882 here $ date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' 2025-02-22T17:53:19Z # as written in the block header 2025-02-22T17:52:57Z $ uptime # since last reboot 17:53:18 up 20 days, 5:33, 0 users, load average: 0.51, 0.61, 0.62 $ battery.sh 95%, Power Supply Online $ uname -smnr Linux singer 6.6.37-0-lts x86_64 $ grep ^MemAvailable /proc/meminfo MemAvailable: 1224292 kB $ du -h -d1 .bitcoin/ 1.1G .bitcoin/testnet4 10.9G .bitcoin/indexes 1.5G .bitcoin/signet 6.6M .bitcoin/wallets 97.7G .bitcoin/blocks 11.5G .bitcoin/chainstate 122.9G .bitcoin/ $ df -h . Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/sda3 911.4G 832.8G 77.6G 91% / $ bitcoind -version Bitcoin Core version v28.1.0 Copyright (C) 2009-2024 The Bitcoin Core developers Please contribute if you find Bitcoin Core useful. Visit for further information about the software. The source code is available from . This is experimental software. Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or $ BC=$(bitcoin-cli getblockcount); echo $BC 884882 $ BH=$(bitcoin-cli getblockhash 884882); echo $BH 00000000000000000000abb68f4387317e11b5d826229dc90124b4769fd67441 $ bitcoin-cli getblockheader 00000000000000000000abb68f4387317e11b5d826229dc90124b4769fd67441 { "hash": "00000000000000000000abb68f4387317e11b5d826229dc90124b4769fd67441", "confirmations": 1, "height": 884882, "version": 536870912, "versionHex": "20000000", "merkleroot": "7e233b7945a9f327a0cf4a95cb9a5e397b8c021fb8fc8a62fa2cbbf8b99545cf", "time": 1740246777, "mediantime": 1740241917, "nonce": 4027253867, "bits": "17027726", "difficulty": 114167270716407.6, "chainwork": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000affd11f90ac2c2518419d6be", "nTx": 1851, "previousblockhash": "0000000000000000000018af0d10b733d44c59c4baa84b53f92d63575b8bad31" } $ echo $BH | tr 0 . | fold -w 4 | paste -d " " - - - - .... .... .... .... .... abb6 8f43 8731 7e11 b5d8 2622 9dc9 .124 b476 9fd6 7441 $ : Following was the shortform $ : from which shortkode came $ last=${BH: -4} $ a=$(echo $BH | cut -b-60 \ | fold -w 4 \ | grep -Ev '^(0000|[^0]{4})$') $ R=$(echo $a $last | cut -b-20) $ printf "%s sf: " $BC $ { echo $R | grep "$last$" \ || echo $R M; } | tr "0\n" ". " echo 884882 sf: .124 7441 $ : Following was the shortkode $ : from which anecdote came $ nz=$(echo $BH | fold -w 4 \ | grep -cE '^[^0]{4}$') $ z=$(echo $BH | fold -w 4 \ | grep -c '^0000$') $ nzzs=$(((${nz}<<4)+${z})) $ printf "%s sk: " $BC $ printf "%s %x\n" \ $last \ $nzzs \ | tr 0 . 884882 sk: 7441 a5 $ : Following is an anecdote $ all=$(echo $BH | fold -w 4 \ | sed 's/^/0x/' \ | paste -s | tr '\t' ^) $ printf "%s ak: " $BC $ printf "%04x %02x\n" \ $(($all)) $nzzs \ | tr 0 . 884882 ak: 8d23 a5 ### niceblack moved to the end $ bitcoin-cli getmempoolinfo { "loaded": true, "size": 74021, "bytes": 65330833, "usage": 388688288, "total_fee": 0.98427046, "maxmempool": 500000000, "mempoolminfee": 0.00001000, "minrelaytxfee": 0.00001000, "incrementalrelayfee": 0.00001000, "unbroadcastcount": 0, "fullrbf": true } $ gmm.sh 1506 ## Current epoch estimation is -2.6% ## 1874 of 2016, i.e. 92%, 142 to go ## Current and previous two in numbers: $ bitcoin-cli getnetworkhashps 2016 7.958900688329922e+20 $ bitcoin-cli getnetworkhashps 2016 883007 8.171059232651056e+20 $ bitcoin-cli getnetworkhashps 2016 880991 7.735413493438086e+20 $ bitcoin-cli gettxoutsetinfo muhash { "height": 884882, "bestblock": "00000000000000000000abb68f4387317e11b5d826229dc90124b4769fd67441", "txouts": 178138479, "bogosize": 13899133487, "muhash": "914774554c3d128e616af643a42c8e7448bfad11f87fe3bfc387f5bedd73f0dd", "total_amount": 19827538.59100021, "total_unspendable_amount": 220.78399979, "block_info": { "prevout_spent": 9119.23961547, "coinbase": 3.19570061, "new_outputs_ex_coinbase": 9119.16891486, "unspendable": 0.00000000, "unspendables": { "genesis_block": 0.00000000, "bip30": 0.00000000, "scripts": 0.00000000, "unclaimed_rewards": 0.00000000 } } } $ bitcoin-cli getblockstats 884882 { "avgfee": 3821, "avgfeerate": 7, "avgtxsize": 1119, "blockhash": "00000000000000000000abb68f4387317e11b5d826229dc90124b4769fd67441", "feerate_percentiles": [ 5, 5, 5, 6, 10 ], "height": 884882, "ins": 7552, "maxfee": 300891, "maxfeerate": 243, "maxtxsize": 68695, "medianfee": 1131, "mediantime": 1740241917, "mediantxsize": 224, "minfee": 220, "minfeerate": 1, "mintxsize": 150, "outs": 6460, "subsidy": 312500000, "swtotal_size": 2013303, "swtotal_weight": 3760998, "swtxs": 1648, "time": 1740246777, "total_out": 911916891486, "total_size": 2071029, "total_weight": 3991902, "totalfee": 7070061, "txs": 1851, "utxo_increase": -1092, "utxo_size_inc": -106286, "utxo_increase_actual": -1158, "utxo_size_inc_actual": -113272 } $ bitcoin-cli getnettotals { "totalbytesrecv": 10244185762, "totalbytessent": 18414821623, "timemillis": 1740246799530, "uploadtarget": { "timeframe": 86400, "target": 0, "target_reached": false, "serve_historical_blocks": true, "bytes_left_in_cycle": 0, "time_left_in_cycle": 0 } } $ bitcoin-cli -netinfo Bitcoin Core client v28.1.0 - server 70016/Satoshi:28.1.0/ ipv4 npr total block manual in 31 2 33 out 11 0 11 2 1 total 42 2 44 Local addresses: n/a $ bitcoin-cli -addrinfo { "addresses_known": { "ipv4": 61541, "ipv6": 0, "onion": 0, "i2p": 0, "cjdns": 0, "total": 61541 } } $ halving.sh 884882 ===================================== Bitcoin Block Halving prediction ===================================== bc=884882 gbt=1231006505 bbt=1740246777 This is average time to mine a block (1740246777-1231006505)/884882 bts=575.4888182957520937796296 Now let's multiply that by 1050000 which is the block number of next halving and get the prediction: Sun Feb 27 13:18:59 UTC 2028 ------------------------------------- Next palindrome will be 885588 predicted to happen at this time: Thu Feb 27 10:44:32 UTC 2025 ------------------------------------- Current mining epoch number is 438. The next fortnight happens in block 885024 and probably around this time: Sun Feb 23 16:34:56 UTC 2025 ### v2_peerinfo are in v2_peerinfo-bitcoin.txt $ bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo | grep -w 'v2' | uniq -c 8 "transport_protocol_type": "v2", $ bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo \ | jq -r '.[] | select ( .transport_protocol_type == "v2" ) | .addr + " " + .session_id' \ | while read addr sid do a=$(echo ${addr%\]*} | tr -d '\[' | md5sum | cut -b-16); printf "%s\n\t%s\n" "$a" "$sid" done 37c7f821c95ca7c7 bcc1181b947dbc3fdc898ea041c6c9b9ae9860d67e20b54edf2057e93027ec54 ae86567bbf607bde 5dc1501b03dfab1628f17c055ebb25bc0fe3ccd6c4abecfa7a0d1130e59a7546 ac6041e79c618f0a e2e6c9ca15fcd5cfb6b3309f00318dc4f674ebf4bbb11eba794875e1a9a6df2d 426f50900be85d66 fc6935c3270dc6608db73db0edfce4982c0be2989cf4ca3b65fbbc156cbb5b81 8a22962041e588ff 5ae6ded0d8a0419a8cd341d05a56ce1f4d830fa2195135153b0d7c0b8027f622 8e57e42a793c5a67 0ab4249965d59454178636562b8039e4d2c632eab6074d1fa7467b329cd8d43c 11dae2d22f92c075 fcb0f027f7905d62c80a03fb4f4b49fa867a49606fcbb4060a037b31b6fe848e 877a14ee9f972501 ed189647fbc24f2c8efc73a259505901ba515005eba8285956cabe57789dc48b $ niceblack.sh $BH $BC _|_| _|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_| _|_| _|_|_|_| _| _| _| _| _| _|_| _|_| _| _|_| _|_| _|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_| _|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_| _|_| _|_|_|_| ,----- .123 4567 89ab cdef -----, | ^THATlineISaSAMPLE^ | | .. .... .... .... .... .f | | 1. .... abb6 8f43 8731 1f | | 2. 7e11 b5d8 2622 9dc9 2f | | 3. .124 b476 9fd6 7441 3f | '=== ==== ==== ==== ==== ===' ak: 8d23 a5